Everything you need to know about Glycerin

Everything you need to know about Glycerin

One product that is often found in skin care, but that deserves more attention than it ever gets is glycerin. A hero in hydration!

Glycerin does not have the coolest name in town and it is too seldom lifted out of a list of ingredients to get an explanation of what it helps you with in its purpose. But we will quickly provide an explanation that will make you see your eyebrows raised and become a real Glycerin ambassador.

What is Glycerin?

Glycerin is an ingredient that is added in skin care to its moisture-binding properties. The top layer of the skin (stratum corneum) likes glycerin as it has a good ability to spread on the skin and repair the top layer of skin. Glycerin has the property of reducing acute irritation, working to improve skin elasticity and helping the skin absorb other active ingredients that are added to the skin. The moisture barrier of the skin barrier is significantly improved by glycerin in skin care.

Dry skin

If you have dry skin or need to put energy into restoring the moisture balance in the skin, it is Glycerin that you should look for as one of the ingredients in your skin care, it together with other moisturizers will give your skin exactly the restored moisture balance that it needs.

What effect does Glycerin have on the skin?

  • - Suitable for all skin types
  • - Moisturizes and binds moisture
  • - May reduce acute irritation
  • - Makes the skin soft, moist and supple
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