Eczema and stress rash

Eczema and stress rash

Eczema occurs when the skin's external protection, the skin barrier, has been damaged and an inflammation occurs. There are various factors that affect the development of eczema, both hereditary factors, allergies and how we take care of the skin. There are many different types of eczema but a common factor for all is that the skin surface changes and itching occurs.

An eczema that is very common is so-called atopic dermatitis, also called flexural fold eczema. These eczema are most common in the arm and knee creases and the groin. Eczema of allergic reaction occurs after the skin, upon repeated contact, has become particularly sensitive to a certain substance. A common example of this eczema is a rash after nickel allergy. If you are extra sensitive to the sun, you can also suffer from sun eczema, an eczema that appears if the skin has been exposed to strong sunlight.

Prevent eczema

If you are easily affected by eczema or have hereditary factors that make it easy to be affected by eczema, there are a lot of things to do for preventive purposes, so that eczema does not occur.

Some good advice is to:

- Avoid stress
- Sleep cool
- Check the eczema, avoid itching if possible
- Take short baths and feel free to use oil in the bath water
- Use mild unscented skin products
- Lubricate the skin with emollient and moisturizing cream every day

Treat eczema

An important part to start with when you have eczema is not to itch. By itching, it feels better for the moment, but the eczema only gets worse when the skin becomes more irritated. Also try to avoid scratching loose skin and crusts that are on the skin. Instead, lubricate the skin with moisturizing creams to make it more hydrated and supple. If your eczema is severe, prescription creams that contain hydrocortisone may be needed, these creams are both anti-inflammatory and relieve itching. Up to 80% of all eczema is infected with bacteria and fungi, which makes the itching worse. Therefore, it is good to use products that also treat the bacteria.

Ask your dermatologist, health center or pharmacy for advice on eczema. Microneedling has sometimes been shown to have good effects on eczema and other rashes. If you want to see results in people with eczema and rashes who have tried Microneedling, you can check here.

Swiss Clinic Skin Roller Dermaroller Skinroller MIcroneedling

Skin Roller - £59.00

For an eczema to heal completely, it takes at least six months before all skin layers are completely healed. It is therefore important to continue treating the eczema, even when the skin surface looks better, so that the eczema does not return.

Here are some tips to help you reduce your eczema;

- Avoid strong substances that can irritate the skin. Choose skin care products that are gentle and avoid heavily perfumed skin care products.
- Think about which detergent and rinse aid you use.
- Avoid washing too often. Water dries out the skin, which can make the eczema worse.
- Always try to use sunscreen when staying in the sun. However, sunlight in the right amount is good for relieving eczema.

Stress rash

Rash is a skin condition that occurs from a minor inflammation of the skin, often combined with a disease or from certain types of allergies or medications. Rash can manifest itself in slightly different ways, but the most common is in the form of small red dots. A common form of rash is stress-related rash. If you stress too much for a period of time, it is easy for the skin to react to the stress and both rash and itching can occur. Stress rash on the face or neck is very common, the skin then either gets small spots, becomes red and irritated or simply itches.

Treat stress rash

To get rid of the rash of stress, an important factor is to eliminate the triggering factor, in this case stress. Stress rash is a warning signal from the body that stress levels are too high and it is then important to take the signals seriously.

When the underlying problem is treated, stress rash can be treated in the same way as eczema. It is important to moisturize the skin and ensure that it maintains moisture and fat balance. Try to lubricate the exposed areas daily and avoid washing too often with water. Use products that are intended for sensitive skin so as not to irritate the skin further.

We also recommend a soothing and moisturizing serum.

Swiss Clinic Rejuvenating Serum X3

Rejuvenating Serum X3 - £59.00

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